Great Kilns! Groovy Prices!

15 October 2016

Announcing Paragon Touch Screen Controllers

Manufactured by Bartlett Instruments, Paragon Kilns is excited to offer a new touch screen digital controller called the Sentinel Smart TouchSentinel Smart Touch Controllers are in stock and are available on any Paragon kiln that comes with the Sentry 2.0 Controller.
The Sentinel Smart Touch has a modern and intuitive user platform with touch-screen technology for an effortless user interface. It can store up to 12 custom user programs with up to 32 segments per program, and has the ability to make adjustment during a firing such as add segments, add temperature, and skip segments. The easy-to-follow screen descriptions and graphical display of the firing process, allowing the Sentinel Smart Touch to make firing kilns extremely straightforward.
Additionally, new Paragon kilns equipped with the Sentinel give a continuous amperage and circuit voltage readout during firings. This is to inform the kiln user of voltage drops during times of heavy electrical demand, such as hot summers. The amperage reading indicates when the elements are beginning to wear.